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Friday, April 1, 2016

Words and Actions = Reputation

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

What is a reputation? The dictionary tells us from an academic perspective that reputation is, “An opinion or belief generally help about someone, that the someone has a particular characteristic that is labeled a certain way.” Often a reputation is built on perceptions that relate an accepted character, standing in a tribe or society, stature, status, position, esteem and a certain prestige perceived not just by the individual but by his peers. It is an estimation held by those respected by the individual and vice versa. It results from a certain social evaluation of a set of criteria that often changes from social group and culture to other social groups and cultures. 

It is about how one handles competitive challenges; some about certain socially accepted achievements; it is about how others may identify the individual in relation to others; it is about how oneself perceives themselves as to their own idea of self-identity; it is about perception and the distinctions made as a whole by the individual, as a member of a group and as a member of social tribal like involvement. 

It is the image one projects; it is about how that individual makes decisions; and most of all it is about how that individual meets all the criteria of a good reputation through the attitudes, words and actions they present and live every moment of every day of their entire lives. It is NOT about ego and egoistic selfish self-centered personality and character but just the opposite.

In karate and martial arts a reputation also is represented by the individuals personality and character toward a trait of humility; a trait of enlightened thinking, words, deeds and actions; it is about such traits as honesty, benevolence, a sense of justice or rectitude; courage; mercy or benevolence; politeness and honesty and sincerity; a sense of justified honor and loyalty; self-control; a sense of balance self-esteem; a positive attitude and a state of empathy that is balanced to the individual and toward those with whom he or she associates. 

A person of good reputation demonstrated by their developed personality and character equals a person who is sought out by others as a leader, a mentor and a teacher to lead toward enlightenment of life. 

Bibliography (Click the link)
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