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Friday, April 22, 2016

Technique of No Technique

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

I read a recent article by a well know karate-ka, martial artists and Sensei that was titled, “Technique of No Technique.” I had some difficulty associating the title with the content of his article except in one very narrow way when he explains a visiting luminary and master of karate who demonstrated a technique and then went around correcting and helping everyone with their practice regardless of whether it was the demonstrated technique or some other technique. I know of this Sensei and he is well know and respected not only in the karate and martial arts communities but in the professional conflict and violence experts having taught many in both disciplines. 

I have considered this, contemplated it and spent a lot of mindless meandering on this but to no avail. I can provide you my interpretation outside of Smith Sensei’s article as a stand alone article from my views. 

Technique of no technique is a meme or Zen like short statement to contemplate toward better understanding of the differences between technique oriented training and practices toward the more principled based multiple defense methodologies with the types of forces as well as the attentive focus through our basic senses and so on. 

In order to apply the concept of technique of no technique is to accept that technique based studies and practices is better served by ignoring technique itself except as it applies through the implementation of the fundamental principle of technique(s) along with theory, physiokinetics, philosophy, self-defense and the chemical cocktail. Add in a study of the types of forces, the basic sensory signals and finally into the applications through adrenal stress-conditioned reality based training program and whalla, you have a full fledged complete and comprehensive method and model to practice karate and martial arts for any one or more distinctive interpretations be it sport or self-defense or combative. 

I am still waiting for Sensei to give me more descriptive meaning behind his article and its title and when he does I will append that addendum to this article. 

From a ken-po goku-i perspective and perception technique of no technique is about learning to apply techniques and then to forget them to progress to the level I describe above. It might better be said that one must learn technique to no technique way of empty handed self-defense. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

Addendum dtd 22 April 2016 at 1051 hours: The below snapshot provides my question and Smith Sensei’s response. I am still scratching my head because although I understand that his explanation makes perfect sense to him and his students, it doesn’t to an outsider like me but alas, it is only important that his students and their students understand and learn and grow and prosper from it. 

Click for larger view and readability. 

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