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Friday, April 8, 2016

Serious Fun

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

In the past I tended to resist the idea of someone having “fun” in training and practice. It took a while and for someone to point out some reasons why having fun in training and practice is more conducive to learning and applying karate and martial arts in self-defense or sport or combatives, etc. So, I decided that a change was in order, to train and practice with an attitude of, “Serious Fun!”

I still get a little tingle when I think the fun is going a bit far and yet, why not, if it teaches and the person learns along with creating an ability to apply it then it can’t be an obstacle to learning, teaching, training and understanding. 

I have always take a ver serious stance when it comes to teaching, training and practicing karate and martial arts. Mostly because I see self-defense as a very serious discipline and yet a professional I am aware of speaks a lot about having fun with what is taught so like the old adage about a certain Asian community, how can so many be wrong? Just kidding, of course a large group can be wrong but you get my point - right?

It has been shown that a lot is learned by humans especially when they are having fun with what it is they are learning. It just means that the Sensei, me specifically, just has to learn how to be a kid again, at least to the point of having some fun while teaching some very serious stuff. As with anything, there must be moderation in having fun. It is about a balance where the benefits reach their optimal levels and that is good. 

So, get into the dojo, have some serious fun and learn, learn, learn, then practice, practice, practice and finally, then train, train and train some more. It is all good don’t you know.

Bibliography (Click the link)

p.s. my only concern is this, most who are exposed to my jokes or having some fun often can’t tell and are put off by it. I got to get some serious funny bone surgery!

Shinkoku-ka [深刻化] tanoshi [楽しい] - [深刻化楽しい] “Serious Fun” 

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