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Monday, April 25, 2016


Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

I intend to use this term or phrase to represent and symbolize our mind-set, our mind-states (state of mind), and the muto-dimensional aspect of such things in our existence toward things like the three dimension of the physical, the three dimensions of our mind and the three dimensions of that forth physical dimension called “Time (past, present (the moment) and future).”

The mind-matrix consists of the outer world, the inner world and the holistic world made up of the outer and inner worlds. This is that mind-matrix we train, develop, change, and interpret in ways that seem unique, mystical, inspirational and creative - our goal anyway. This is the thoughts I have when I think, meditate on and use references to mind-set and mind-state. 

The three dimensions of the physical: The three dimensional or spatial dimensions, involved are length, width, and height. The fourth dimension we discuss and separate but is in reality a part of the three dimensions is a temporal dimension (time). In our world of the mind there is the physical three dimensional aspect of our perceived real world, the objects that have form with width, height and length. Then there is the created mind-matrix perceptions that exist in memory as historical perceptions garnered from other experiences recorded and encoded by our connection to the outer world of our three dimensional physical universe/world. 

The signals from our sensory system when integrated with our perceived inner world create a three dimensional representation of those interconnected and newly created mind-matrix. The effects and influences of them all change and create those very same internal inner world perceptions where we make assumptions and distinctions based on our own mind-matrix creations.

I mean mind-matrix creations is because each instance of perception that is mixed at the cortex levels of three and four we recreate and change our previous instance of memory perceptions to  a new and often different memory perception to make up our mind-matrix. It is what makes us tick, makes up our character and achieves personality - a type of three dimensional concept of our mind-matrix.

The dimension of time is also multi-dimensional in that it has three distinct dimensions, if you will, our past, our present moment and our future as perceived and assumed by the very existence and content of our past and present moment. 

Our past in a dominant data-set of experiences perceived by our very mind-matrix with its depth, breadth and growth through a constant encounter and interface with the present outer world perceived sensory data stream. This is the foundation and core to our present moment and our abilities to perceive possible future moments. It is the largest and most comprehensive data storage of the human brain, the mind-matrix. Yes, the mind-matrix past data can be tweaked to make appropriate, sometimes inappropriate, changes so the new mind-matrix is created for the present moment and toward future conceived and fluid future moments. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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