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Tuesday, October 15, 2013


When you see it, avoid it. In the self-defense arena according to some experts males, in particular, go through several stages to reach the "fight" stage. One of those stages is "posturing." You know what I mean, the fist clenching, chest puffing, chest bump, verbal assault, etc. stuff. This is a part of social violence and in my personal strategy of self-defense it signals an opportunity to "avoid" a conflict. 

Even if it is not directed at you. If you are out in a social situation and you see this happening I suggest the best you can do "immediately" is leave, get the heck out, make for the exit and "avoid" the possibility of being sucked into a conflict.

In this situation group dynamics will kick in when the posturing goes to the fight. Read about this at the no nonsense self defense site by Marc MacYoung. Allowing yourself to get caught up in such social trappings means you open yourself to conflict. Conflict that can lead quickly to "the fight." 

Please note, that legally fighting is illegal. The subject of self-defense means understanding what that is and what it means if you are charged with fighting. Just saying that something you did was self-defense may make you feel justified in the actions you take but in reality it may mean your guilty of a crime and you will pay the price.

To study violence means you really have to spend time and energy researching what that is and how it happens in society. There are a lot of people, experts and professionals, out there who have published in a variety of forms to get you that information. Make it a part of your self-defense. 

Knowledge is Power

To achieve true power in the martial arts and/or self-defense starts here, knowledge. Accumulate it and then fortify it with training, training, and more training with intermittent experience.  

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