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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Permissible Deception

In self-defense situations you may find yourself being interviewed/interrogated by Police. There are several ways you may handle this and the chief one is to take a stance of silence except in a very narrow way. With the knowledge that I am not a legal expert, a lawyer or an attorney, that I am not a police officer and have never been a police officer that what I present as follows is my personal perceptions and that always, always check out such things with your personal attorney - always. Never accept or assume what I write or what any other martial artists under the heading of self-defense write, way or teach as a legal aspect in self-defense is legally viable or even true until you check with your personal attorney. 

Some things to remember when you are facing a Police Officer, i.e. remain calm and cool. Don't talk back, never raise your voice, not profanity and especially no hostile attitude. Remember, you have the right to remain silent. You can simply keep your mouth shut or you can make some sort of initial statement such as "I will cooperate and give a full statement, but we both know that kind of civil problems come from these types of situations. So I would like to have my attorney present before I answer any questions about what happened. (statement created by Rory Miller)"

You might, your decision, tell the officer the nature of the attack that forced you to act and then state what Mr. Miller suggests in the above quote. Just remember to not submit to any detailed questioning and don't resent any type of re-enactment of events. Remember, DO NOT TALK about what happened except with your attorney present. 

Now, remember this topic, permissible deception. Just because you exert your right to remain silent the officer can still present his or her questions and comments trying to get you to break your remain silent statement and talk. It all can still be used against you regardless of whether you stated you want to remain silent - or the other statements as you decide to make on your own. 

You can also point out evidence and witnesses but remember to keep aware of what you say. Adding comments, etc. as you point out evidence and witnesses will be taken by the officer as a part of your comments or statement. DON'T BE BAITED!

Now, regardless of what I perceive as a way to handle Police in a self-defense situation it is still up to you and I would only recommend you take this material to your personal attorney, one who understands and/or specializes in self-defense law, and make sure it is recommended by him or her - a legal expert.

To further your knowledge for that meeting with your self-defense attorney you can take a look at the following articles, i.e. 

Remember that officers can and are trained in permissible deception so it is wise, if you train, practice and/or teach self-defense, you know this and the law of your area in general regarding self-defense. Knowledge is power.
Again, I STRESS, don't take my word for what to do when Police are involved, seek out legal advice from a legal expert. Make sure that what I would do as stated here is what your personal attorney recommends for you if you are involved in a self-defense situation. I am not a legal expert and in most cases neither are you. 
In self-defense knowing all the ramifications of self-defense as to before, during and most important after you defend yourself. It is often glossed over in some SD courses, don't allow that to happen to you. Find out all the information and legal advice you can from appropriate sources. It could matter to your continued freedom and that of your families economic future. 

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