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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Martial Defense System

I use this to describe the western practice of martial arts for self-defense. Although most martial arts training is actually geared toward the sport of martial arts this phrase is meant to focus on the true essence of martial arts - its use as a defense against conflict and violence. 

It is very difficult to know what is true martial self defense and what is commercialized promotion for a money earning venture. It is not meant to disparage those who actually earn some money from their efforts but rather to expose to light the more "McDojo" type schools you may find. McDojo is a humorous way to describe the more commercial type of money grubbing money changer types who fleece unsuspecting students of their hard earned dollars. 

A martial defense system is one that encompasses all aspects of self-defense, i.e. what occurs leading up to the need for defensive tactics, what occurs during the process within a conflict and what you endure as a result of conflict and violence. It is a nasty process and having knowledge of the entire spectrum that is violence is necessary "before" seeking proper and realistic training. 

It is not a sport although it can be enjoyable, even fun, to train, practice and learn. It has a serious side to it and must be taken seriously. It is fun to learn for the perspective of seriousness and fun promote learning. 

Finding a qualified martial defense system is not easy and consists of so much you would need a larger and more extensive blog, website or dedicated social networking model to convey all you need to know. The sources are vast and often you have to weed out the chaff to enjoy the wheat. For the person with a strong desire the search is worth the time and

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