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Friday, November 1, 2013

Reiki [靈氣]

The characters/ideograms mean "reiki (healing method)." The first character means, "soul; spirit," the second character means, "spirit; mind; air; atmosphere; mood."

I first heard of reiki through connections in martial arts. As sensei as in any physical discipline we are tasked with teaching the destructive arts, i.e. karate, aikido, etc. but are also tasked, we shall, with learning the healing arts. As sensei we encounter injuries and such often enough that we shall have the ability to at least apply first aid or in this case the healing art of reiki until more practice medical professionals can intervene. 

It is considered a spiritual practice developed by Japanese Buddhist and uses what is commonly called palm healing or hands-on-healing as a form of alternative first aid and is classified as an Oriental medicine. By using reiki one believes that they are transferring universal energy in the form or "ki or chi" through the hands to the person injured, etc. It is something that promotes self-healing through a mind-body connection whereby the power of the mind achieves self-healing of the body, etc. 

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