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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Winning vs. Not Losing

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Why the difference, isn’t it actually the same but with different semantics? Not really, it is about a mind-set. 

When you decide you just have to win at what ever you do that mind-set often sets you at just one path. Most who want to win will choose one method to get to that goal. I have to knock this person out to win or I have to make them submit to win and then they choose a technique to reach that goal be it a hook shot or a arm bar or what ever. 

When you decide your goal is to not lose then it doesn’t matter who or what you encounter because you are leaving your mind open to any and all possibilities. You don’t care who is attacking you or with what means, your goal is to NOT LOSE so you do what ever is required in that moment in that situation to accomplish that goal. You are not focused on what it takes to win against this or that opponent, you are only focused on finding the methodology necessary to achieve your goal - to NOT LOSE. 

It is like karate wants to win so since it is karate we want to win with our tools, tools that may limit you such as fist, hit hard and win but what if your fist doesn’t get the job done. Even karate today when they drop the win mind-set and recalibrate with a not-lose mind-set then they can expand beyond the technique based model most taught and focus on a attack/defense model with methodologies such as, “Actual tactics and attack methodologies of impacts, drives (pushes), pulls, twists, takedowns/throws and compression, etc.”

If we will admit to ourselves that once we take a mind-set into a mind-state of “Winning,” then we start to focus on that “One Thing” that will gain us the victory. If we then recalibrate our minds to a goal of, “Not Losing,” We then focus not on any one adversary or attacker because that is not a given when attacked, we have to cover a larger field of possibilities so in lieu of one method to win against this one opponent we have to train our minds and bodies to not lose against a total unknown who may be a social oriented attacker or an asocial predator or an asocial predator of resource or process type or other possibilities and that means training principles toward application of methodologies as indicated above. 

Wining often focuses on a subject matter appropriate to winning while not losing often focusses on teaching the practitioner to read a goal when the attack situation is unknown. Winning to my view means sport and a known entity as an adversary, not losing in my view means fighting, combatives and defense models with an unknown entity as an attacker who uses methodologies also unknown to you. 

Winning has outcomes mostly about losing that don’t result in grave bodily harm or possible death. Competitors and competitor mind-sets associated with the term “Winning and Losing,” know that the outcome will not result in such harm or death but when you assume a goal of “Winning” when attacked as described herein then grave bodily harm and possibly death are definitely on the table and your mind knows this consciously yet if you train to win, and your lizard makes the sport competition association, if you lose you often lose a great deal more than a trophy. 

Not Losing has outcomes about reaching a goal of stopping the damage, defending against grave bodily harm and possibly death and staying within the self-defense square after it is over. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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