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Monday, December 7, 2015

Standardized Kata

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Over the years I have heard organizations talk about standardizing for reasons I can only imagine. It at least appears on the surface to be beneficial but I have to wonder, why?

One such organization said they were standardizing so all Kata would be the <orgs name> way.

I have to ask, why? We're not the original way of those kata the traditional way to practice? Wouldn't changing the kata without good reason be a change for the sake of change? Would these changes not invalidate the kata from their original intent? Is it possible these changes would result in a loss of their true origins? If changed would that result in the loss of its foundational essence and possibly certain principles that make them work?

I'm not saying the change is not good but to change simply for standardization as if for control where control in and of itself damages a good learning environment and stifles progress, creativity and the natural evolution of the discipline?

Standardization is a move toward teaching subject matter rather than training the student. The focus of kata is to introduce principles to the novice and therefore standardization is not necessary. The actual patterns and techniques are not the main focus but a tool for novice conditioning so that creativity can take over where principles transcend any technique based teachings.

Due to the uniqueness of the individual, kata need only begin in a standard model but must be adjustable or "Fluid" so it can be properly adopted and adapted to the needs of each person. The structure and size of a student changes the entire dynamics of kata practice, applications as to principles and toward understanding. This adaptability is critical for the individual who may need to apply the discipline to Self-Defense.

Bibliography (Click the link)

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