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Friday, December 4, 2015

Birds and Karate (Martial Disciplines)

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

There are kata; there are styles; there are systems; there are individuals but all of them must grow beyond those levels. Birds born are in the nest, the dojo system training environment, where the parent birds take care of them but after a while little birds, novice and students, must leave the nest to seek out their place in the world and their purpose in that world - alone. The parent birds have a responsibility to kick that novice/student out of the nest.

The little novice/student bird knows what is expected but they do not rely on the parent birds to feed them, to keep them warm in the nest and to protect them from predators - Little bird must move on and experience life so they can survive.

The little bird must fly into the vastness of the sky, spread its wings and take its instincts and teachings toward higher and higher levels of experiences, proficiency and mastery making them less a target by predators and able to avoid, evade and escape those predators who do target them. 

This is “Shu-ha-ri.” In the “Ha” stage one must go beyond their system, style and sensei to discover those principles and methodologies apropos to their needs, abilities and beliefs. 

In short, there comes a time when styles and systems limit you, do you have the courage to venture beyond your limits to gain the sky. Welcome to the sky! Do you as Sensei know your students well enough, have a solid connection and are willing to kick them out of the nest?

Bibliography (Click the link)

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