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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

“Truth is a Matter of Perception.” - King Tut’s Advisor :-)

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Our perception is a matter of our memories. Memories are a matter of a constructive process. Memory constructions is a matter of what we succeed or fail to encode and what we forget over time. Memories are about what we record over time as to what we encounter through the “Lens of” our motivations, our beliefs, our expectations, and our experiences.

Memory construction is a process likened to the creation of a collage: we piece together fragments of memory that are retrievable and tend to fill in the missing components, patching, with background knowledge, desires, emotions, and beliefs until it forms something that is complete, usable and acceptable to our way of thinking, thinking that is biased. 

Memories are about searching and arranging to form a preconceived image of what we want. It is our biased presentation of an event where we may actually include things that we never experienced or saw but were created like one creates fictional things. 

Memories of a false nature can be highly specific feeding the mind to think what is not reality is reality. It makes them believable to ourselves and to others. False memories can be composed of things we expected to happen or “Want” to happen leaving out facts and logic. 

Memories are perceptions and perceptions are memories making them questionable. This only touches on a very narrow spectrum of perception and memory, it becomes even more complicated and convoluted. When you consider such things it makes it interesting when we rely on memory and perceptions to seeing, hearing and feeling truth. Truth often derived from emotions over facts and sometimes pushing facts out of perception leaving the subjectiveness of emotionally charged perceptions in making memories.

Think of this like, “The Matrix.” Is it memory or is it the matrix?

Bibliography (Click the link)

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