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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Karate is not Effective Enough

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

My reasoning here is because karate, as a striking system, does not meet the criteria necessary to achieve true self-defense. One of the hallmarks of a good karate-ka is performing with perfect form. The kata looks good, it appears to have proper form and yet …

“Form does not mean function. Just because it has the external form does not mean it has the internal mechanics that make it work.” - Marc MacYoung, Getting Hit and Hitting

It means that without the underlying principles of a fighting system it looks good but holds no substance when applied in a fight for self-defense. I have written other articles on the subject of karate, as a striking system, being more a social communications tool in groups for survival, etc. but is not adequate, without enhancements, etc., in actually defending against attacks. 

Kihon are taught to achieve a certain form that looks good to the observer. It also provides a means to critique and evaluate for promotions as well as progress. But, progress of what kind?

Note: I am talking about karate in general and readily admit that in today’s martial communities there is a concerted effort to bring back those enhancements, etc., that make karate a good self-defense system. 

In order to make it work for self-defense you first have to learn how to apply fundamental principles whether in a martial form like karate or any other form like boxing, etc., to achieve force and power to stop a threat. Then there are a huge lot of other neat stuff that must be implemented, trained and applied to achieve self-defense within the self-defense square. 

Sport karate is especially guilty along with the more commercial forms. Not to say that one cannot earn money teaching self-defense and karate but often they take short cuts when the level of income to their economic needs has issues. Like anything worth doing, doing it well takes a great deal of effort, dedication and intestinal fortitude. It is easier to take shortcuts, it just is.

Bibliography (Click the link)

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