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Thursday, July 9, 2015

Fair, Fair - There Ain’t no Stikin Fair in a Fight

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Add in attacks as well, if attacked you can pretty much bet that the guy already knows he is going to win before you are attacked. Don’t take my word for it, see my bibliography.

If you are saying things like, “If he had fought fair I would have beaten the crap out of him,” type things then you are fighting in a sport contest because in a real street oriented fight, especially social violence types that are most fights, there are no rules and fairness doesn’t even rate even the most limited considerations. 

Fair is ok for games and even then most humans will naturally cheat if they perceive they can get away with it. Yes, human nature regarding cheating is more about, “Can I get away with it,” and “Will the consequences be acceptable,” type thing. Fairness is one of those subjective things when it comes to humans and their interactions. 

Fair ain’t exactly fair in a fight. When most self-defense professionals teach they address that mind-set and that mind-set is not about fairness. It is about survival and there is no other or better defense than avoidance. 

Remember, arguing about “Fairness” in legal terms is not going to support your self-defense claims. When I hear about fairness complaints often it is from a mutual form of fighting. In other words, both parties participated and therefore both broke the law, fighting is illegal. It was a person-to-person socially driven violence, mostly. 

Life ain’t fair, there is nothing fair about it and that brings us back to fair being subjective. Humans will actually break the law if they feel that the repercussions will be acceptable. If they don’t get caught, they have not broken any laws. A bit like the old adage, “If a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound?” If there is no one there to hear it …..

Bibliography (Click the link)

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