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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Putting a Name to Things

Along with a solid explanation as to the why and what for of things this helps us achieve some semblance of understanding that goes a long way toward learning and doing things. This is also a fundamental to the learning, practicing and application of marital arts. This is that thing that must be done "before" a martial artist has to apply principles in violence. 

Just knowing a thing is not enough. It has to be encoded into our instincts so we can draw on it without the need to think about it. It must also be appropriate to the situation in that singular moment or it will either fail us or result in many bad things happening to us. Then the next step is putting it all back together into a more holistic use. This part is most important.

Leaning through dissection of things is good but the ability to put them and other things back together into one whole thing is critical. You don't want to get lost in the forrest for the focus you place on the trees, the limbs or the leaves. Leaves have a good deal to offer but they work best when you put them together with the branches, the limbs, the trunk for the whole tree. 

Putting the name to the leaf is fine but the enjoyment of what the tree has to offer means making the leaves a part of the tree as well as the roots that extend into the earth giving us the full and complete picture of nature, the tree. 

Yet, we tend to focus more on the leaves, the techniques, then what makes the whole of martial arts. I sometimes wonder why and things like today's post rise up out of the unconscious. 

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