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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Life is like a box of chocolates

Life really is just a matter of chance as can be symbolized by the opening scenes in the movie "Forrest Gump." I have always felt over the years that I had control of the things I did and the things that happened in my life only to discover at age sixty I had absolutely no control over events and paths my life has taken.

I say events and paths I have taken but I really mean the events in life that influenced my path in life. Like the feather I was blown about here and there by circumstances and events that are affected by my environment and the people within that environment. I guess it is a bit like the discovery of the "one thing" of life that we all need to understand and this is it.

If I were to actually take control of my life then there are decisions I have made and decisions I will have presented to me that I need to take to heart and go with my heart. Then again, what is to say that the control of my heart doesn't reside elsewhere than in my hands.

Pooh kind of reminds me of Forrest in this graphic. 

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