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Wednesday, December 11, 2013


It is amazing what things are crafted from mere words, how beliefs can form from books. It may be due to how people WANT to believe in these things. Not everyone wants to believe the truth. Then there is the whole subject (subjective nature) of truth. 

It has been said that the truth of history is one sided, the side that wins in war. War being a part of human evolution in societies. Belief has been the spark of many such wars from religion to political. 

Beliefs are influenced by words but the words have not substance without the underlying communications of the body, i.e. the face, as well as the tone or intonation of the voice. They all work in unison to convey words and those words make up the beliefs held dear to each person. 

Want is huge in this perception. How one might discover things about another and then form the words to persuade a person to believe in something even when the truth of it is not truth. It is incredible how a belief can lie to someone for the sake of comfort and security. We all want to be safe and survive so that belief becomes an intricate part of that survival. 

Once a belief becomes encoded in each human changing that belief becomes impossible except in the rarest of situations. It can be forced and over time those who follow tend to lose site of the fact that it was forced upon them so they then embrace a new belief - this takes time, a lot of time.

As a martial practitioner who embraces all aspects of the principles involved in the practice of the art it becomes necessary to have only one belief system, one that allows for changes in each and every moment of life and breath. This is not an easy belief to embrace because humans resist naturally and instinctively any change of a belief that is proven beneficial toward comfort, security and survival. This belief system will take time to achieve even for one lifetime. 

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