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Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I often think to myself, "what have I accomplished in my life?" I tend to think to myself that I have not done very well so I have this moment in my life, more often than I suspect, and I do what I do most of the time, I sit down and write about it.

When I am done I then realize that I have accomplished many things and I have done well my entire life. Then I take that writing and I destroy it completely. After all, the only person who really needs to know and accept that I have done well in my life is me. Once I establish that things are not as bad as I imagine I then destroy those writings because they have served their purpose. 

This seems to me normal behavior. We all, as humans, tend to want some validation that what we are and do in life has some meaning. It does not have to be anyone else's meaning, just one that satisfies our purpose in life. If we can satisfy ourselves that we are living morally right and with honor then we shouldn't feel a need for any further validation. It should be enough. 

We should also measure all that we did, do and want to accomplish with this in mind. If we do that and are comfortable with our service then we can be satisfied with life. As to specifics, that is not really important because if you answer your own question of what you have accomplished in life then you should be satisfied. 

Don't allow others to dictate to you what satisfies your life and the way you live it. You will end up chasing the rabbit in a never ending circle of continuous dissatisfaction that comes from everyone else but who is important to you, you. Don't allow others to judge you because they will do so with their own beliefs, perceptions and personal life contexts. It is their personal and infinite combinations of perceptions and memories combined with their sensitivities to what is perceived and remembered, then they project this on you often in an attempt to elevate themselves artificially into a belief that is false and detrimental to both them and you. 

Be your own person. Don't allow yourself to fall into your own delusion of life but take into consideration others as you perceive so that you may learn about things but always, always, determine what is best for you by you without allowing the others to directly or indirectly influence whether you take it as value or discard it as of no value - for you to you. 

The most difficult way of being human is to distance yourself from influences of others so you can make decisions and accept life's lessons without biases that would lead you down someone else's path. Your path is the only path for you and it MUST be your choice. To take outside influences for judgement and consideration before acceptance is to live for yourself. The ability to say "no" to outside influences as needed makes for a more robust way of living. 

Let the moment be your moment and yours alone. Live in the moment and make life decisions in the moment according to your personal life beliefs without reservation and undo influences as to others perceptions and beliefs. You might find things more satisfying. When in doubt, write it down and then decide what is you and what is others and then keep that which is of value to you. 

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