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Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Universe (Nature) has us in its Matrix

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

This may not be correct because it is limited to us and our planet, i.e., “ Phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.” We tend to forget that our planet is traveling at great speed through the very blackness of space within one of many galaxies also all speeding outward, it feels and appears to the sciences, taking us way out of the realm of nature into the realm of … what? 

Much like, or similar too, the movie, “The Matrix,” and its followup features humans are trapped in a software system that controls their lives in very interesting and unique ways making the movie an instant hit. So much symbolism and connections to our reality that we all can feel the DNA deep connection to its theme. But, what if the movie is closer to reality than we humans realize. What if, nature or the universe is only real because we are all in a matrix filling our minds with beliefs and fooling us into seeing, hearing, touching, feeling and tasting things that are just not there. So, much so, as our minds can already do, even the matrix like presentation to each mind can result in physical ramifications such as damage and death but, is it real or just the uni-matrix (universes matrix program). 

Consider that our minds, right now, see us as organic material with a life force and the ability to be sentient, is that really reality or is the uni-verse simply telling us it is as is the natural state of the human condition. You can or could really go nuts thinking of this shit but consider the discoveries found in the last hundred years such as, “There’s a study out there where scientists watching an fMRI could tell what decisions a subject would make as much as six-seconds before the subject consciously knew.” What the … 

Our brains are being fooled all the time and we tend to consider things as real that are manufactured by our minds to create a belief and existence that is somewhat comfortable, safe and secure yet if reality as it may be, according to our own minds exists, is not really reality but a uni-matrix effect of something far beyond our human ability to consider and perceive. Going nuts ….

Here, to ground ourselves in the subjects of my blogs, are articles I wrote about the matrix and how that plays out, philosophically speaking, in our disciplines of martial karate training and practices. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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