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Thursday, March 30, 2017


Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Satori-wo-hiraku [悟りを開く] to achieve enlightenment; to attain enlightenment. First character/ideogram translates to mean, “enlightenment; perceive; discern; realize; understand,” while the second one translates to, “open; unfold; unseal.” 

The ultimate goal of our pursuit of the disciplines of conflict and violence, i.e., karate and martial arts, is to open the mind, to unfold the mysteries of the three levels that take us from the technique-based basics all the way up to the chaos of creativity that spans beyond technique into the realm of conditioned reflex responses of multiple principle-based methodologies that would transcend the mere logical thinking process into the realm of the mystic-like responses according to the situations, moments and times where we are confronted with and by obstacles of conflict and violence regardless of levels and severities, etc.

To unfold our potential and allow the full range of possibilities within us that blossom into great oak trees of discipline, confidence and ability beyond what our initial open minds can comprehend without the experience, knowledge and understanding study, analysis and synthesis can produce. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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