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Friday, September 23, 2016

Sometimes, Perception is not what you think …

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Sometimes, my unconscious mind runs ahead of my conscious mind (why, because our logical brain has to think while our lizard like brain just acts; it is similar to peripheral vision, it is just faster than direct vision; peripheral vision is run by the lizard and the direct vision is run by our thinking logic oriented brain). I try hard to heed  those unconscious processes that give me answers (I allow my instincts and primal conditioned response to lead, just in case). I think back over my life and see other times when I said things or did things that were not really justified by my conscious analysis (driving along a road with lots of side streets controlled by stop signs; my spidey sense said to stop; I stopped; I hear a roar and then witnessed a truck speeding that ran the stop sign, came off the ground and fly by in front of my about ten feet. If I had not stopped, it would have crashed into me and dead is what I would be). I call my unconscious mind when it takes the lead, my ‘Spidey Sense’! - unknown/cejames (part unknown, part me)

This is all about education, understanding and an ability to apply both to life. You are exposed to social environmental stimuli that your brain takes in, interprets and then encodes labeling them as, “Life Coping Skills.” A lot of the how, why and when of those skills come with triggers that are, more often than not, set unconsciously including both instinctual triggers that set off things like “Freeze, Flight or Fight” responses or “Primal Conditioned Response” that are trained into responses that are triggered for those skill sets. 

The glitch here, especially in self-defense, is we fail to adopt and utilize the OODA processes, i.e., analysis and synthesis of said stimuli from others, experiences, academic efforts, and self to remain open-minded and allow the flow of change even when your mind resists because of culture and cultural belief systems influence that monkey dancing around the logical side of you. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

“In order for any life to matter, we all have to matter.” - Marcus Luttrell, Navy Seal (ret)

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