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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Bullet Points

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Human survival depends on taking the complex and making simplistic points for speed in the OODA process.

Like technology, a complex code that handles all the underlying complexities that allow us to make use of it through icons and clicking of a mouse - like bullet points of a computer.

It reminds me of the tapes we develop from experiences that are triggered by specific single stimuli that result in the "click - whirr" of mechanical automated conditioned responses for our species survival. Those who get it right more often than wrong end up procreating thereby causing the evolutionary process and so on.

In order to survive there has to be speed through short cuts and those short cuts are our survival tapes triggered with the least amount of thinking.

Experiencing, learning, analysis, understanding and synthesis result in learning, training, practice and experience encoded into sub-routines, tapes, for conflict and survival of especially violence.

  • Bullet points.
  • Single simple triggers.
  • Click appropriate complex auto-conditioned appropriate responses.
  • Shortening the OODA process.
  • Faster D&A's.
  • Success in goals.
  • Equals survival!

Where bullet points become most effective is when they are first created from a backup of vast knowledge and understanding because all the bullet points on that slide mean nothing unless this is so. Look at bullet points as similar to “Meme’s and Quotes” that are inspiring but empty unless one is able to see, hear and feel something that lies behind its facade for such things require one to have studied or is willing to study the bullet point, the meme and the quotation. Not for accuracy or some singular definitive answer but an answer that the individual sees and feels are relevant to the study - at that moment in time. 

Liken this bullet point mindless meandering consideration to actual short terse writings such as found in the I Ching, The Tao Te Ching, Meme’s/Quotations and blog postings. They all have something behind why they were written along with questions, comments and discoveries that the reader must seek out. It is about remembering that there are not right or wrong answers or beliefs in those things but questions that drive us to finding answers to and for ourselves. It is like the study of the Ken-po Goku-i/Goku-i, it is not the most obvious or obviously taught interpretations of one Sensei but rather something unique to the individual who studies such terse tomes of wisdom, call it the goku-i-of-individualism in the Way (Goku-i-Do, the way of gokui defining that term from an individual perceptive distinction, etc.)!

Bibliography (Click the link)

“In order for any life to matter, we all have to matter.” - Marcus Luttrell, Navy Seal (ret)

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