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Friday, September 23, 2016

It's a Matter of Life or Death

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

It truly is a matter in all aspects of human existence, at least as far as our instincts are concerned, our lizard brain. The reason I see for humans to react with such strong emotional aggression even for seemingly non-death or grave harm situations is because the lizard does not have or finds such distinctions of value to the survival of the human species.

What goes on here is this, from my perceptions and understandings, that evolution is a slow steady consistent process and no manner of effort can expedite that process, it is nature’s way and it won’t allow us to change it. Since our environment and societies have progressed much faster than the evolutionary process our lizard brains are still making decisions based on the dangers inherent to the “Hunter’s and Gatherer’s” who lived, hunted and gathered on the Serengeti Plains thousands of years in the past. 

The lizard drives our survival instincts and in the process makes use of our emotions where “Fear” is the mainstay, i.e., triggering the flight-fight response. The emotions running a very close second with lots of crossover is, “Anger.” I see anger and fear as emotions meant to provide survival in regard to external dangers, i.e., those dangers outside the tribe. I see the other emotions such as sadness, happiness, etc., as those emotions that ensure the survival in regard to the internal dangers of tribal hierarchal connectedness, etc. 

I don’t see us evolving beyond our current survival instinctual-state of being because the very “Nature of Nature” is based on survival in a world that is governed by both conflict and violence, i.e., the birthing process requires conflict along with the process that is violent in nature. We don’t just pop out but we do have to force our way out, we have to struggle to take the first breath and then we have to survive by the care and security provided by parents, family and tribe. Then as humans we exist in a tribe like social construct where each develops a distinct personality and character with both general fundamental cultural beliefs along with self-aware individual personal beliefs so when we encounter others there will be a natural difference causing a type of conflict where without the tribe, group dynamics, hierarchal status type of system for control, governing, security and safety would not survive. 

Since all of our survival depends on our minds and in particular the cohesive cooperative operation of our logical human brain, our emotional monkey brain and the all controlling instinctual survival driven lizard brain we have to understand the three brains, we have to allow them to do what they do best and in order to survive through an evolutionary change process of social dynamics along with progress and change of our environments we study, we analyze, we hypothesize, we understand, we communicate with others in the tribe and sometimes outside it and finally we synthesize those primal-oriented trained conditioned responses so they work with and not against our instincts toward survival - our lizard on steroids brains. 

So, I advocate that we humans accept the fact that our lives are about and governed by all levels and degrees of conflict and violence as it permeates every aspect of human life so we can allow and train and practice and gain experience, survival conditioning, that would support and create a more social cohesive bonding both in the tribe as well as between tribes. 

Failure to accept and go with it, just take a look around you today in our aggressive emotional immature society and ask, “How is it working for you?”

Bibliography (Click the link)

“In order for any life to matter, we all have to matter.” - Marcus Luttrell, Navy Seal (ret)

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