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Warning, Caveat and Note: The postings on this blog are my interpretation of readings, studies and experiences therefore errors and omissions are mine and mine alone. The content surrounding the extracts of books, see bibliography on this blog site, are also mine and mine alone therefore errors and omissions are also mine and mine alone and therefore why I highly recommended one read, study, research and fact find the material for clarity. My effort here is self-clarity toward a fuller understanding of the subject matter. See the bibliography for information on the books.

Note: I will endevor to provide a bibliography and italicize any direct quotes from the materials I use for this blog. If there are mistakes, errors, and/or omissions, I take full responsibility for them as they are mine and mine alone. If you find any mistakes, errors, and/or omissions please comment and let me know along with the correct information and/or sources.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Real Karate -n- Authentic Karate

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Real, what is real karate? Who gets to decide what is real and what is not real? How can one find out if their karate is real?
Authenticate, what is authenticate karate? Who gets to decide what is authenticate and what is not authenticate? How can one find out if their karate is authenticate?

Really, this is just like saying, “I practice traditional karate” or “I practice classical karate” or “I practice traditional real authenticate karate.” What the … really … is that really true and authenticate.

These terms, words and phrases are merely media oriented advertisement terms used to impress impressions on others so they can and will and want to buy a product and the product in this case is a certain perceived way of karate or any other martial discipline. 

Can you answer the questions:

  • Real, what is real karate? 
  • Who gets to decide what is real and what is not real? 
  • How can one find out if their karate is real?
  • Authenticate, what is authenticate karate? 
  • Who gets to decide what is authenticate and what is not authenticate? 
  • How can one find out if their karate is authenticate?

Real, what is real karate? 

Answer, mine and mine alone: Well, defining real means that any and all forms, types, styles and systems of karate or any other martial art if actually practiced; actually exists; actually occurs in realty; is not imagined or supposed; is not an imitation or artificial is actually a ‘real and genuine’ form of karate, i.e., it is REAL karate. To use the term ‘real’ when speaking or writing or teaching something be it karate or math or soccer is to mislead the reader into assuming that real has some significant special meaning when in truth it means - nothing

Who gets to decide what is real and what is not real? 

Answer, mine and mine alone: Oh, you do, no one else but you and since all are real, you can use the word, term or within any phrase you like because whether your karate is real or not real is all about you and what you feel. 

How can one find out if their karate is real?

Answer, mine and mine alone: Again, it is up to you and what you want to believe but you can allow others to dictate to you whether your karate is real or not real. All up to you!

Authenticate, what is authenticate karate? 

Answer, mine and mine alone: In order to make something authentic you have to prove or show something that is accepted by some sort of official body that it is authenticate, i.e., as claimed by that body to be true and genuine. It is a type of validation where a process acceptable and ameanable to all parties concerned to have been verified and validate by some criteria and that would beg the question, what criteria would authenticate karate as … authenticate? How would one verify, validate, corroborate and confirm the authenticity of karate or anything else for that matter? Big question, lots of answers and no one thing or body that can, would and are valid sources to confirm authentication of authenticate karate. 

Who gets to decide what is authenticate and what is not authenticate? 

Answer, mine and mine alone: See previous answer above. 

How can one find out if their karate is authenticate?

Answer, mine and mine alone: You first must find and accept the authenticity of the source of authenticate karate and validate whether it is accepted by the karate community as a whole where a very large majority accept the definition and criteria of what makes an authenticated form and practice of karate. 

If you haven’t been able to tell so far, I get a bit confused and concerned when I hear such words, terms, or phrases used especially without the valid and documented authoritative sources that say it is true. One reason I always add in my caveat in each article because often my opinions, theories and ideas along with the resulting synthesized beliefs I have are, just that, my beliefs in need of validation and acceptance by the reader. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

“In order for any life to matter, we all have to matter.” - Marcus Luttrell, Navy Seal (ret)

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