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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Missed it by this much [———]

There is this moment, it comes but once in a lifetime for each of us and when it comes you have to reach out and grasp it tight and close or it simply dissipates like a fine must from the first hot rays of a morning sun rise. The universe can only hold out such moments to a few who will succeed in grasping the misty threads the moment presents even tho presented to every living being but that is the nature and law that is the universe. I had one of those moments and by the time I perceived something unique I saw the first sunlight sneak over the horizon to warm my face - I had missed it and didn’t come to that realization until this moment some forth plus years later. I have no regrets for my life was still filled with honor and service but that one moment from no forward for what ever years left to my life will haunt me a bit from time to time - a normal human existence.

I have gone above and beyond the norm form most sheep but just not to the level of the sheepdog or even the shepherd. I feel now that to grasp the proverbial golden ring of life one must act instinctively when it presents itself so that the hold is solid and prevents the moment from turning to mist and flutters away on the warming breeze brought by the rising sun. I know I missed it and I long to feel that connection so I hope and I pray that in some future existence when the moment comes back around to full circle that I act and then in remembrance years past hold to the honor and privilege of grasping the ring and taking it to greater service and honor of self, the tribe and to society or humanity. 

I can now recognize those who have found that moment and taken it to its destiny and I can smile and feel the comradeship that would have come and will reach its apex next life. I am glad, proud and feel grateful for those who acted at their moment to safeguard and survive in service to honor themselves, their clan and humanity itself. 

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