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Thursday, August 4, 2016

An Olympic Sport

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Yes, according the the recent article I read, karate is now considered an olympic sport. It seems like years have passed where a concerted effort was made to have karate accepted as an olympic sport then out of what I feel is nowhere the announcement is made by the IOC and whalla, karate is an olympic sport. It will be very interesting to hear and see the kinds of responses, pro and con, on this designation along with how it will be implemented, etc. 

Now there should be questions like, 
  • “What does this mean for karate as a sport?” 
  • “What will it mean regarding a more classical and/or traditional method of karate?” 
  • “Will one or the other cause changes in all the other forms of practice be it sport, defense and/or philosophical?” 
  • “Will it actually lead to more olympic sport oriented training halls and a larger interest in the general public?” 
  • “Will it dispel the many false beliefs as to what karate is and why it is practiced, etc.?” 
  • “Will it lead to a completely false belief as it might pertain to traditional and will the two be mixed up due to a lack of true understanding not just of traditional/classical karate but all the others like sport karate, philosophical karate and defense karate?”
  • “Will the olympic karate events involve all aspects or just kata or just kumite or just kobudo, etc.?”
Honestly, as to my practice of karate (a mix of philosophical and fense [defense/offense]) - not so much except it will provide me fodder for my writings/articles. Expect that but I will try hard to be positive and question rather than criticize those efforts. I expect that it will change, the sport version, considerably to fit nicely in the olympic group dynamic, the olympic tribe or the olympic clan - so to speak :-) .

Bibliography (Click the link)

“In order for any life to matter, we all have to matter.” - Marcus Luttrell, Navy Seal (ret)

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