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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Karate Body - MORE …

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Recent threads are a flamin away on the belief of the “Karate Body.” The original comment was as follows, “This body development is caused by performing and training in Shorinji-ryu Seisan kata as taught by his teacher, Nakazato Joen Sensei.” This was presented by A. J. Advincula Sensei on his Facebook Wall. 

I commented through the sharing process, because AJA Sensei dumped me off his friends list because, “Because you keep jumping on me.” Or something very similar to that quote. First, I am not jumping on people, at least not intentionally. I do regret he takes it the wrong way because from my perspective it is about learning. No matter how long one practices and studies any subject; no matter what level they are; no matter how much they are expert in the subject matter or are considered as expert; no expert no matter how much they know, think they know and how much they believe they know they are always subject to being questioned. It is all to common for some to achieve high levels of expertise, knowledge and proficiency in a discipline to “Make Assumptions” they know it all and should not be questioned. Honestly, if Tatsuo Shimabuku Sensei were alive today and made such a comment I would be questioning him just as much as I do experts like AJA Sensei and many other highly respected, as I do respect him and his efforts and his knowledge and his ability, martial artists. 

Now, as to this karate body as it was commented as a product of training in a kata, not going to wash as represented in the photo used as an example. Why, because there is not such thing as a “Karate Body.” Our bodies are already a creation set forth by the very genetics of our family histories as passed down from generation to generation through the genes of our parents. Those genetics are pretty much set in stone and any modifications beyond the natural and in accordance with physics and the rules governing life and the universe are set pretty much in stone. 

I say this because of the perceptions and distinctions a reader, “May,” assume when reading such a short, terse and exact statement. If the statement has said something like, “Our bodies are shaped by the process of practice and training in karate where in that training regimen one of the kata, Seisan from shorinji-ryu, has a considerable influence in adding musculature, strength, endurance and muscle mass, etc.” Even that more descriptive comment could be questioned and it is through such questions regardless of the sources that promote knowledge, growth, depth and breadth toward a fully and more comprehensive, “Understanding,” of karate, martial arts and its influences in our health, fitness and well-being. It is just a shame that folks take homage when something they believe in wholeheartedly is questioned. If the communications were more forthcoming and open to discussions it make just validate that belief more or it may bring it into question where it becomes, “More!”

Now, although presented with a bunch of qualifiers the comments that followed on the Wall, where I am unable to participate because of a feeling of being jumped on, present some very good questions and comments that warrant more than the simplistic comments made that started this thread.


After reading the original comment and previewing the photo used to demonstrate a “Karate body” by the musculature of the practitioner a comment was made, “holy - those are some serious traps!!” Well, as stated before, there are two reasons why those traps would gain some prominent example. First is through weight resistant and bearing exercise and/or two, due to genetics whereby some folks naturally will develop larger musculature when exercising. 

It is well known that kata, kata with dynamic tensioning (think isometrics here), does not provide such weight bearing resistance that forces muscles, tendons and such to increase past the size set in a persons genetic makeup. Most of the dynamic tension used in kata is about resistance of muscle through the dynamic tension of both the contraction and expansion (not sure this term is correct, maybe flex-n-relax …) done with the muscles being flexed throughout movement, at the same time. A key point here is that unlike isometric exercise where the body is flexed through resistance of muscles only such as pushing the fist into the hand while moving the arms, hands, shoulders back and forth, etc. See the isometric exercise still sold today as a means of muscle development.

Regardless whether the tension process is stand-along or against other parts of the body, without additional resistance from heavier weights the muscles will build only to the point genetics allows naturally. In the body building world this can be seen and detected between the standard competitor from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s day to modern “natural body builders” of today. The modern natural body builders just, “Cannot,” achieve the larger muscle mass without at least two things, first is weight resistance through heavy weight lifting and two, through the consumption of food and other chemicals necessary to “Force the muscles” to increase in size. Note: this is an extreme but still, even the natural body builder may take his musculature beyond genetics but never to the increases Schwarzenegger and others did in those early days.

Also, when flexing the traps to make them appear bigger one tends to rotate the shoulders causing the shoulder blades to rise and push the muscles up into a display position. Just another way to make it seem like muscles are bigger than they are. Body builders who don’t have good genetic structure will over develop parts of the body and then pose to hide deficiencies, etc. 

Now, the reason I say what I say is because of my experience in both body building, weight lifting and martial arts because as an example I can say emphatically that dependent on certain factors you may or may not develop larger and stronger musculature accordingly.

First there is body and frame size, smaller frames vs. larger will handle musculature different. Then there is the small person vs. the larger person where that same musculature comes into play. In the end, it is all meaningless unless the person regardless of  strength, mass, speed and ability may or may not actually achieve success in karate sport bouts or self-defense because larger stronger muscles are only a very small part of the entire spectrum.

In the end that is the real point, you don’t achieve proficiency and understanding of the applications of martial arts simply by participating in kata, homo undo, weight training at the gym, etc., unless you can apply said properties using principles.

For instance, take a small stature healthy, strong and fit person agains a larger muscular strong, healthy and fit person. Say the smaller person applies their principles and the larger person relies on his size and strength (as many larger and stronger tend toward), the smaller person will dominate and attain their self-defense goals. Now, add in that the larger person also knows how to use principles and does so then naturally the larger stronger person will prevail. In that the principles will dictate every time success regardless of size, strength, fitness or having a “Karate Body.” 

Charles Atlas sold isometric exercise programs in the sixties, for me as that was my time, and I will say emphatically his programs helped me get healthy, stronger and fit but as to muscle size or mass, not like he shows in his pictures in the ads. Example: my brother bought Mr. Atlas’s program and used it and by association, he is my brother, I used it too. Both of us were unable to achieve the body we believed would come to look similar to Charles Atlas.

Later, we were introduced to weight training toward body building. We both hit it almost identically. As a good example toward individual genetics even when all else was pretty much the same, my brother was able to build arms that actually peaked like the top of a mountain while my arms was more rounded in flexed position. 

George had better genetics as to body building. I actually copied his efforts thinking I could achieve the same results but due to genetic makeup, not going to happen. I even felt I was stronger and bigger overall and without supplements. Anyway, genetics is a huge part of it. 

When we attribute something to such a discipline we make assumptions the results are about that discipline and therefore may gravitate toward saying it created my “karate body.” Symbolically that may be true but realistically not so much.

You might ask, “Why is this important?” It is about distinctions and false ones can lead to deadly and dangerous results because karate and other martial arts are about combatives be it sport, combat or self-defense oriented and false distinctions that lead to false beliefs can result in grave bodily harm and even death. It matters to make sure you are not assuming something works when it won’t or can’t due to missing components. 

The comments that followed on the Wall in question presented another picture of Uechi Sensei as example yet it is a distinct and different person but as I understand it still does not prove that, “One kata, seisan, can achieve such results” alone. Remember, I have yet to discuss beyong genetics and weight training, “DIET!” The Okinawans live a very, very ling life and a lot of that comes from diet. I suspect, cannot prove, that Uechi Sensei not only got his strength, etc., to include the muscle-cut body through karate practice and training but with not just the kata but also the hojo undo Uechi-ryu karate uses. It is a culmination of things karate, not just kata, along with genetics and diet and lifestyle.

Lets add in another aspect, that of mind-set and mind-state. What trumps all that is discussed is the mind-set and mind-state for it is that which leads to such extraordinary accomplishments in the disciplines be it karate, martial arts (other than karate), football, golf and other physical disciplines all that produce a kind of body presentation that is a part of how the exercise, practice and training achieve body presentation. 

Also take a look at the other pictures presented to support the original statement, they all deviate from the reality of what was said and that was, “Our bodies are shaped by the process of practice and training in karate where in that training regimen one of the kata, Seisan from shorinji-ryu, has a considerable influence in adding musculature, strength, endurance and muscle mass, etc.”

Those additional photos show the practitioners flexing their muscles with the sanchin jars, a weight bearing and resistance exercise. 

Here is an article I did on prolonged dynamic tension as more reading:

CLOSING STATEMENT: Karate bodies are a nice symbolic name to point people toward what it is you do to be healthy, fit and strong. In truth our bodies and their shapes are derived from genetic coding in DNA that comes from parents to children and a lot from our ancestors in the genetic codes nature manipulates as each generation is born. We have limited control over our bodies but in essence there are limits set by the genetic code or if you prefer nature and the universe. As I stated in my last comment, “I had a football body when I was a teen; I had a Marine Body when I was a Marine; I had a body built by weights when I was a body builder; I had a karate body too because when I was a weight lifter I also practiced karate; I had a Tai Chi Body because I also practiced Tai Chi; I had a sugar body because at one time I got a bit overweight from eating to much crap … yadda yadda yadda …. “

FINAL STATEMENT: Here is why I go through this process and question everything that sticks out and everyone who makes such blanket statements often without any real thought or research, reading the statement in question over and over and over again along with, “Discussions such as this thread,” I finally realized one key term or element was missed, I missed it, and that was the term, “Considerable INFLUENCE.” Now, I readily admit that once I came to realize the term influence was there then the statement becomes acceptable and true because Seisan kata along with dynamic tension on their own does “Influence” the addition of muscle, strength, endurance and muscle mass (I stick to my guns here, genetics will dictate but since influence is used I would now assume it goes with other practices such as hojo undo, etc.) The ONLY way I came to this conclusion since not many other comments actually detected this and presented it to refute my comments, was through this questioning, comments and thread overall, to which I again would have participated directly if not for the perception of jumping on anyone. 

So, in a nutshell, karate body can still be challenged but overall that is about labels and symbolism therefore open to individual interpretations and philosophical understanding as long as blanket statements assigning meaning for everyone is not used to explain it. Example comes from the qualified statement made in comments, i.e., He's out of touch if he thinks that kata, without weight training, doesn't build a certain body type or increase muscle mass.” I will respond without qualifiers, no where did I State that kata without weight training does not build certain body type or increase mass but I did say that the mass size such as pictured most often does not come from kata alone but genetics and or weight training. In the end, like the original statement, it needed clarification and because of this comment and others I wrote all that I wrote but it should be noted that through this process I discovered more to that and this process I am grateful.

So, thanks to all of the participants for your efforts provided me a path that allowed me to see that which I didn’t originally catch regardless of the final analysis and outcome. In part I got it wrong, in part I got my opinion and in part I got it right as well. Very Cool! OH, and thanks for reading my stuff you guys, I would have thought since I was not a member or friend that no one would bother even visiting my stuff to read it. It is nice to know that regardless of whether I am “Out of touch” or “I want to stir the pot,” the results are the same - something was learned, something was taught and a goal was achieved regardless. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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