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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Mind-Set and Mind-State

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

What is the ultimate state of mind necessary to do the things humans do to one another? It is about the concept of repercussions from society. If one does not feel fear of retaliation then one does not fear anything be it considered good or evil. The wall that stands between good and evil is built on the concept of repercussions and retaliations from any source, i.e., societal and/or legal as driven by the society. Then it begs the question, “How thick is your wall?”

The most feared animal on the planet is the human animal, the human animal who has no fear driving them to remain within societies social and legal system of control. When they do not fear the laws, the rules, the requirements of a group, tribe and/or society then they are truly a force to be reckoned with. 

Without the social conditioning of society and especially without the force necessary to enforce societies rules, regulations, requirements and laws one who does not feel or fear that society will be a force to be reckoned with. Look at it as freeing ones’ conscious into a realm similar to that of a psychopathic personality, one who on a whim will do anything including kill in ways most would shudder at and refuse to accept in the realm of reality. Things that make for good horror movies, etc.

How do you keep humans from reaching this level? Not an easy answer but the one used mostly is actually the farthest answer away from the truth of that goal, ignoring the truth and reality of such levels of conflict and violence. If at this point in reading this article you say to yourself, “This is paranoia,” then you miss the point and are refusing to accept and admit the reality of human existence. 

The difference  between reality and paranoia is NOT based on whether or not an idea is ‘unthinkable’ or something ‘couldn't happen’. The difference is based on whether or not there are credible facts and reasonable logic that support the fears.” - unknown

I, personally, do not fear conflict and I, personally, do not fear violence and I, personally, do understand that human life is based on forms of conflict and violence but I DO FEAR humanities social conditioning toward conflict and violence by its concerted effort to bury it all resulting in the ignorance of it leading toward a complete and total lack of proper “Coping Skills” necessary to accept, deal with and understand human instincts based on conflict and violence. 

Great surgeons and great surgery are based on accumulation of knowledge and understanding. It was the acceptance and understanding of pain and diseases resulting in pain and suffering that lead the great medical minds to achieve the levels of medical ability to save humans in modern times. If not for that we would still be suffering great pain just to get our teeth cleaned and repaired. If we buried our heads in the sand because we don’t like or cannot deal with the emotional and physical pains of life we would be burying a lot more of our kin due to the simplest of physical and mental maladies once of great suffering and now of little concern. 

Conflict and Violence of the human condition is like the medical world, it requires us to accept it, coming to understand it and then finding the “Appropriate and Necessary” methods and models to control it so that we don’t suffer the spears and arrows of great violence. In order to achieve a win-win resolution of human conditions we can only get their this way. 

In the micro-cosmic world of self-defense, i.e., martial arts, boxing or anything similar, we must learn, teach, train and practice those reasonable and acceptable models, methods and goals to mediate conflict and violence toward things like avoidance, deescalation or proper application of self-defense. 

To do this the mind must be trained and focus should be on creating a proper mind-set and mind-state or we will always end up applying our actions to making others do what we want using greater and greater forms of violence resulting in debilitating injuries, grave bodily harm and death. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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