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Thursday, December 11, 2014


Yushikisha [有識者]

The characters/ideograms mean, “Expert; knowledgable person.” The first character means, “Possess; have; exist; happen; occur; approx.” the second character means, “discriminating; know; write,” the third character means, “someone; person.” 

The title is misleading yet its influence is wide spread throughout society. When the news brings on an “Expert” to provide an opinion of an event we all tend to give them credence simply because of their status as experts with a resume of experience and education to bolster that view. Here is a quote, “The long-distance diagnosis of public events, even by experienced experts, can easily become a parody of professional procedure. The result can be a form of glorified gossip, lent credence not by the facts but merely by the experts credentials.” - Unknown

Experts as a whole are no where near as infallible as we would like to think. Often, their opinions, theories and hindsights,” are simply a form of personal gossip based on personal perceptions, personal perspectives and even more important a foundation of information that is incomplete, inaccurate and biased by media, etc. 

The next time an expert tells you that something is what he or she thinks, take it with a grain of salt and do the research and you will find that most times that something is just plain bullshit. 

Then there are those personalities, like radio personalities, who provide their opinions and are often believed simply due to societies belief in celebrity status tend to provide information that skews the truth and spread drama emotional, incomplete, inaccurate and biased data on things they should just “keep their mouths shut” about. But, ratings and income tend to push aside truth, facts and accuracy, i.e. the complete and unabridged truth and facts of the thing.

This goes for anyone who promotes themselves and expert martial artists or expert self-defense instructors. 

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