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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Sundome [寸止め]

The characters/ideograms mean, “The practice of stopping a technique just short of an opponent; stopping just before.” The first character means, “Measurement; foot/10,” the second character means, “stop; halt.”  

This is the most popular type of tournament that most engage. It also does not allow the use of certain body parts that make karate unique since they can cause a certain amount of physical damage. This removes the importance of competition that should allow a karate-ka to use all of their power in attacking. The essence of sundome is to have the competitor to attack in a continuous manner while not actually touching the opponent. In more modern competitions often the attacker stops after striking specified safe targets when awarded a “point” as in point sparring or point kumite. Coupled with sundome, this type of point sparring tends to send inaccurate messages as to the effectiveness of a technique. Rules of competition tend to affect the power applied enormously. 

As rules change so do the techniques they effect. 

Although this type of tournament does expose a person to stresses that may or may not cause the adrenaline rush these types of rushes differ from those of combat, i.e. a violent attack requiring self-defense where the rush causes certain effects detrimental to using proper SD strategies and tactics. 

A reminder is that martial arts is about Budo, historically, and that is what cultivates a indomitable spirit though years of training. It is a type of mentality that comes from battling oneself. It value is much greater than sundome, it must include the fundamental principles of martial systems to be a martial art. 

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