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Note: I will endevor to provide a bibliography and italicize any direct quotes from the materials I use for this blog. If there are mistakes, errors, and/or omissions, I take full responsibility for them as they are mine and mine alone. If you find any mistakes, errors, and/or omissions please comment and let me know along with the correct information and/or sources.

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Martial Quotes

Quotes are good, they are inspiring. They don’t stand alone. They are meant to inspire yet that inspiration is about seeking out the knowledge and often experience that inspired the author to make the quote. Quotes are an even terser form than the ken-po goku-i when it comes to the disciplines of the martial arts. Quotes are an even terser martial zen like koan that are meant to convey a meaning that is a lead-in to the seeking and gaining of more knowledge, understanding and experience. 

When I present a martial quote, a self-defense quote or a life quote it is because they inspire me and yet those favored quotes some how struck a cord with me, the resonated with something I believe and live so they may do the same for others who might read my list of quotes. 

Never take the quote of face value. Never assume that because you get some fundamental meaning from that quote that it is what the author felt, understood or meant when they composed it. We cannot truly know and understand what was in the mind of the author. Often the author writes a quote simply to get others of like mind to contemplate, think and derive a personal meaning from the quote. That is important.

It is also like teaching a martial art where sensei or senpai might tell the student to do something a particular way. It is good to do that exactly but then as practice continues it is implied, often, that the student must contemplate, think and derive a personal meaning that will take them into a totally different path in practice, training and application. Bunkai are like quotes and the gokui, meant to inspire a person to contemplate, think and derive a more personal and applicable meaning/application from the basic taught. 

It is about taking something literally - initially - but to take it further than that initial and literal meaning, symbolism or application. 

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