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Monday, July 3, 2017

Style vs. System

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

I have written on this before, it is often the style that is taught and that is good at one level but not so much at attempts to achieve higher levels in martial arts and karate disciplines. If you have studied well then refer back to things like shu-ha-ri and shin-gi-tai concepts to better understand and lead to further research. 

Styles are often set in stone in regard to, “Techniques or technique based models.” This is good because those basics, drills and paired kata drills are about teaching principles and once principles are ingrained properly then it is about reaching beyond technique-based models into a more creative application of principles to a multiple methodology model where your creative spirit can make use of principles toward appropriate methods to get the job done regardless of it being avoidance, deescalation or self-defense. This is a system not tied to any particular technique or combinations directly connected to a response of any other applied attack technique or combinations. Technique-based models teach you to act and react to specifics while a predatory, process or resource, attacks are chaotic, unpredictable and totally surprising in nature. If your technique-based model does not detect its counter-part you get … wait for it … the FREEZE!

Look at styles that teach technique-based models as the prerequisite to the system principled-methodology based creative models. To tie yourself and your self-defense capabilities to specific things does not leave you the ability to create appropriate responses in accordance with unique, chaotic, situations. 

Take a look at the following for additional information on this difference and remember, styles are more about identity, status and other such trappings with a bit of modern economic drivers that make them so important. They tend to feed the human nature to gravitate toward groups with similar identities, cultural beliefs and survival traits. The real shame is that one does not actually require the others but can exist or coexist in the dojo, the tribe, the style and in all systems. It is about acceptance, tolerance and understanding without borders, obstacles or hinderances toward the collective betterment of self, dojo and system (while styles can still exist but more relevant then restrictive). 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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