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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Traditional Karate and 100 Kata Day

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

I use to feel that 100 kata day was not karate, not beneficial and more a sales process than anything yet I finally came to realize why it is beneficial and although not a traditional practice of karate it still promotes many aspects of the human species it benefits and has become a tradition of karate worthwhile, valid and great fun too. 

You see, human behavior in a very deep instinctive way is about two things, survival and procreation. I will leave the procreation for another time and focus on the human drive toward survival. 

To survive we need to gather into groups for there is truly strength in numbers as well as the innate need through nature to gather together humans, a somewhat weak species as individuals when compared to other animal species, etc., to survive. 

A principle of synchrony, the coordinated activities of the tribe, are the very core of survival in that it creates a brotherhood that creates, supports and promotes self-sacrifice, cooperation and that feeling of unity - building blocks of the tribe, group, at the base level of survival and procreation, etc. 

The one hundred kata is about the connectivity group dynamic development of and toward survival by its very activity of group coordinated activity. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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