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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Teaching Coherent, Comprehensive, Complete and Understandable Programs (Strong Presentations)

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

“For a kata to be perfect, the technique must show strength, the style must be accurate, and the eyes must be completely alert.” - Sakumoto Tsuguo Ryūei-ryū Karate

Yep, here I go again, ripping apart statements made in teaching karate and martial arts because I feel, from my perspective and perception, that such meme’s and quotations should be accurate. It takes a rare ability to create a meme or quote that speaks volumes and does so with accuracy and clarity of understanding even without explaining particulars. 

First, to say that one’s technique must show strength, how do you show strength while still building and using power and force? How do you show strength without sacrificing positive relaxation necessary to achieve speed and speed along with body mass movement contribute a great deal to force and power? Is the use of dynamic tensioning in practice of technique thus seeming like a display of strength actually powerful and forceful? How does showing strength, even if someone can actually define that as strength, translate into power, force and the ability to overcome adversity and adversaries of a predatory nature? 

Second, to say that one’s style must be accurate, how do you know that it is accurate and what is it accurate of? If it is accuracy toward the creation of patterns, movement and applying technique to the air then it is dancing and mostly not effective in violent situations of a predatory nature. Accuracy in performance is only one short initial step to learning martial arts and karate because to achieve some semblance of success in violent situations of a predatory nature takes more than accuracy as dependent on who, how, what, when, where and now that word is defined. Bet you can talk to about ten who have heard this and get ten different and distinct answers. 

Third, the eyes cannot physically or physiologically be alert because it is the informed, educated and trained MIND that must be completely alert. How one utilizes their eyes for visual stimuli capture, interpretation and follow-up appropriate actions is not conveyed by the misconception you are training your eyes to be alert. In addition, eyes or the visual sensory system does not work alone because it requires all the other sensory systems to input data to properly inform your mind as to what is transpiring outside your body, in the environment, etc. 

In closing, this is not to disparage Sakumoto Sensei for he spoke in his time, under his education and understanding and in the best way possible for his culture and teachings of karate. Where it all breaks down is when such meme’s or quotes are used and sensei ASSUMES that the student/practitioner fully and completely understands what was said and what was meant. 

None of this is easy but since this particular set of disciplines involves dangerous, harmful and possible death require, demand, that sensei teaching for the art of self-fense convey and teach a comprehensive, complete and understandable program for Self-fense (offense/defense model).

What stimulates these kinds of articles is the use of such meme’s and quotations in teaching while failing to convey the true meaning and intent. It is a bit like my recent article on muscle memory, a term/phrase that is inaccurate and mistaken as true when reality says it should at least refer to a deeper meaning like, “Primal Conditioned Response training and practice.” I just want to convey that sensei should think first, contemplate teachings along with words, phrases and quotes/meme’s and then make sure that all of their followers understand intent and meaning. 

Quote/Meme Re-write: “For kata to be perfect it must teach fundamentals and methodologies where its presentation appears easy and effortless, the style or system must be accurate in that teaching of fundamental principles, multiple methodologies and levels of force, and the senses must be tuned to perceive and distinguish when it is appropriate to apply these teachings.” - cejames

Note: The above quote should and shall be analyzed and then assessed toward its accuracy so that if changes are necessary the author can synthesize and appropriate version of the quote/meme. 

Note II: Think effectiveness vs. presentation; think proficiency vs. presentation; think teaching tool vs. presentation because presentation is not efficient application in the chaos of predatory violence but simply, “Dancing an ancient dance.” 

Note III: Now, as to presentation toward a kata tournament competition this aspect of kata as to strong presentation, great accuracy and seeing accurately by the presentation of movement with the eyes and head, works. 

Note IV: Where I prefer to show, demonstrate and achieve strength is through my efforts in teaching correctly; in my actions and deeds both in and out of the dojo; in the actions and deeds of my dojo mates both in the dojo and out of the dojo; in my understanding and application of fundamental principles, multiple methodologies and application of force in self-fense, etc. This is where true strength is shown in an appropriate way, i.e., the way in the dojo as in life. Strength shown and demonstrated as to honor and morality; the living demonstration of justice and courage along with mercy and politeness, honesty and sincerity, character and self-control, self-discipline and self-reliance. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

“In order for any life to matter, we all have to matter.” - Marcus Luttrell, Navy Seal (ret)

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