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Friday, December 2, 2016

Secret Technique vs. Special Technique

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

This comes to mind simply because so many manipulation experts, in karate and martial arts, use the term “Secret” to sound and be perceived as “Fascinating and Mysterious,” when in reality it is more a sales manipulative influence effort to get folks to “Sign on the dotted line.” 

If you really want to be as truthful as possible with a whole lot more accuracy the term secret should to changed to, “Special.” After all, your goal is to teach something special to your students and if that teaching is unique to you, the sensei, and your system or style then it is truly special. If it is common among other systems or styles, etc., then it is NOT special, it is Ordinary and Common. So, you lose the term and find another way to make the sale. 

Regarding anything secret, if it is truly secret then that means very, very few are privy to that information and selling it or teaching it to anyone in your dojo, style or system therefore makes it no longer secret, it is public even if only in the dojo. Secrets are not something you want made public or provided to more than those who have a need to know that secret. 

To be secret it must be a piece of knowledge that is not known by more than a select few and when outed it must not be the same, similar or close to any other thing or piece of information. Saying a certain way to punch is a secret is ludicrous unless its overall effect and influence on some thing is unique in regard to any other thing or information.

Secret: Something not know or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others such as being classified, top secret, undisclosed, unknown or private as if under wraps. It is about keeping things to oneself or about something unknown. It can also be something not properly understood; a mystery. A valid but not commonly known or recognized method of achieving or maintaining something. 

My litmus test is, if it is being advertised to the public domain in any manner or way or method then it is not a true secret. Secrets are not advertised or spoken of or written about where anyone not classified as needing to know can see, read, hear or feel that secret or inference to being secret. In short, a secret technique is about misleading and misdirecting for a person or professional agenda. To let loose a secret inappropriately makes the secret, NOT SECRET!

Bibliography (Click the link)

“In order for any life to matter, we all have to matter.” - Marcus Luttrell, Navy Seal (ret)

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