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Friday, June 10, 2016

Checkers, Chess and 3-D Chess

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

It is simply a matter of these three: Most martial arts are a checkers game; a few are able to transcend into the strategically complex game of chess; rarely do you find one who can move their mind, body and spirit into the 3-D like game of Chess where the strategies go into a multi-dimensional way. Finally, much like the chess masters who play multiple strategic games with five boards and challengers simultaneously there is a multi-dimensional multi-verse way of strategic and tactical mastery that maybe one every twenty or thirty generations of martial arts masters will produce. 

Shin-gi-tai is a model where Shin is learning to play checkers; gi is applying that skill while learning to play chess; and tai is taking it to the mastery level of the proverbial multi-dimensional level of chess symbolized by the 3-D chess of Star Trek Spock fame.

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