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Friday, March 4, 2016

Zen’i Karate Do [善意空手道]

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

The characters/ideograms mean, “Virtuous Empty Hand Way or Road.” The first character means, “Virtuous; good; goodness,” the second character means, “idea; mind; heart; taste; thought; desire; care; liking,” the two combined mean, “virtuous mind; good intentions; good will; positive mindset,” the third character means, “empty; sky; void; vacant; vacuum,” the fourth character means, “hand,” the fifth character means, “road-way; street; district; journey; course; moral; teachings,” the third, fourth and fifth characters combined mean, “the way of karate.” 

Read article, “Virtuous Karate Way (Zen’i).”

I cannot tell you how many encounters, both personal and by way of articles, blogs and other means, I have experienced where the individual speaks to a certain lifestyle where karate and martial arts, outside the brutality at its very core, lead them down a path toward a more, should I say, “Virtuous” way of life with empathy, humbleness and a lean toward enlightenment. It is one of those philosophical distinctions covered in the fundamental principles that I write about all the time.

Zen’i karate do is meant to express a spirit of mind, body and philosophy that leads us toward righteousness, morality and self-betterment so that we may mentor and influence others toward a better life. Many of those who I have encountered have led me down that path by the influences expressed in their social writing, teachings and actions both in and out of the dojo. 

Zen’i is a culmination of study, knowledge, understanding, training and practice and applications that go way beyond the mere physical manifestation of karate and martial arts performance, meaning and substance that goes deeper than ego and spears us directly and deeply in our very hearts providing us meaning when we say, “Wholeheartedly.” 

Zen’i is that which leads us on the road past mere form and function creating an ideology that spans cultures, beliefs and social norms. It is that which exposes our minds to possibilities beyond what we would normally assume and believe. It opens our doors and allows us access to all the myriad-ness of the vast universe in which we live. 

To believe the unbelievable; to see the unseeable and to hear the unhearable; to take us beyond the moon and out into the stars. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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