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Monday, October 12, 2015

Good Intentions to Laws to Dogma

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

I heard this on a recent documentary whereby humans, in general and fundamentally, tend to always have good intentions even when those intentions are misguided. Good intentions when held by a larger group tend to gain a hold as to the belief system that drives that group thereby giving pause as to the enforcement of those intentions as manifest to the entire group.

At this stage the group begins to embrace those intentions through an emotional attachment steering it toward a need, emotional over logical, causing the group to make rules, requirements and laws that govern, and often times force, adherence to the spirit of good intentions. 

Now, we have rules, requirements and laws to enforce the original intentions of good people but then as written and understood tend to shift toward meanings not necessarily for the good of the group and survival. Now we have to establish positions and status of group members toward a rule, requirement and law enforcement. Interpretations, perceptions and distinctions now get involved that are composed of both emotions, as dominant, and a logical mind. Another shift in intent, meaning and therefore understanding that tends toward a state of indisputable resolution toward the now changed original good intentions. 

The rules, requirements and laws now take on such importance they once again become something new, it becomes a truth to the true believer of the change good intentions thereby making them unchangeable regardless of any new intentions, suggestions and proofs. They become dogma and dogma means that it is now a stone tablet with the now changed good intentions written into rules, requirements and most important laws, laws considered absolute. 

Now, we have reached a point where the dogma becomes the sole belief of the group making it a cultural belief dogmatic stone tablet unchangeable under any circumstance. The dogma, although originating form original good intentions, becomes a chink in the armor of security and protection of that group making it subject to outside influences and attacks where the group entrenches itself deeper and deeper giving credence, proof and validity to the old maxim, “When digging yourself into a hole you find danger so you urge one another to dig deeper.” Ain’t that a kick so isn’t it fair to perceive a need to become group-aware as well as self-individually-aware to such trappings so that dogma can be avoided leaving the group flexible and capable toward survival, security and ultimately group safety and prosperity?

Good intentions originally remain good until humans get involved in making them dogma, i.e., power, control, status and dominance seems to be the underlying principle of how that works. 

When Sensei adhere to dogmatic belief to control and maintain the status quo of their system and style suppressing thought, questions and theories leaves things as they were but stifle the growth of the disciplines depth and breadth toward evolvement seems a shame. 

Maybe this concept is one sense of a true philosophical and physical manifestation of things like, “Shu-ha-ri and Shin-gi-tai?” To many groups throughout history have gone to dust over dogma from laws, rules and requirements derived from human good intentions. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

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