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Thursday, October 29, 2015


Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

To classify any system or style as “The Most Dangerous Martial arts in the World,” is just plain ludicrous, stupid and agenda driven. The question was asked by Hoang Anh on FB at Ryukyu Martial Arts research and general discussion wall, i.e., Some people told me that Krav maga is the most brutal martial art in the world, as its real war is very high, with a particular targeting the body's vital and ended in a strike. this true?”

First, think advertising then think second, commercialism because this type of rhetoric is about making money and increasing membership as well as a plethora of other agenda driven issues and items. Fourth and most important NO system or style regardless of being martial arts or other combative system can achieve a distinction of “Most Dangerous.” 

In truth, if you were to give such a distinction to anything or anyone it would be about the person applying the system or style, not the system or style itself. Saying such things are actually triggers to set off the egoistic pride of the male testerone driven monkey minds out there searching for compensation driven activities to self-sooth and stroke egos and pride so they feel good about themselves. 

Fifth, Krav Maga as described uses the references of use in combat by the Israelis where the actual commercialized versions being sold as the most dangerous martial arts in the world are the “Adjusted Versions.” Adjusted for safety and sport applications and that includes the self-defense versions.

Consider this, there are so very few experienced instructors of Krav Maga and what I mean by experienced is those who have experienced the original teachings and actually applied those teachings in a combat zone. I am saying combat zone and not some monkey dance in some bar somewhere or through some sport oriented so-called full contact sport competition. 

REMEMBER, this article is not to denigrate the current Krav Maga taught in all its forms because as a Martial Art is is pretty darn awesome. I like what I have experienced, minimal experience that is, and I like what is taught but what I don’t appreciate is the use of such inappropriate advertisement that presents a perception that cannot be true and is not true. How many times over the years have all martial artists heard about the best style, the most traditional style or the most effective style and so on? Personally, I can’t tell you how many articles, ads and seminars I have read about, heard about or actually witnessed where someone stood up there and said such things. 

There is NO such thing as the MOST DANGEROUS system, style or martial art! There are dangerous people and even those cannot take on or assume to be the most dangerous in the world. Remember, even a very dangerous person can be had if the situation and circumstances provide opportunities to an attacker - it is just the way of life. 

So, Hoang Anh, to answer your question, “Is this true?” Nope, No way, Not a chance and Ain’t no way dude!”

REMEMBER (ATTENTION): This is not about putting down Krav Maga or any martial art, it is about using such crap to promote a system or style with unreasonable and irresponsible advertisement that is untrue, irresponsible and just plain wrong. Krav Maga, the sport and defense oriented models found today are just as good as any and all other styles and systems of martial arts. To me it is more about a system and styles “Personality,” where a student must find that system or style that best matches their personality - now that is true, relevant and beneficial to any student seeking out martial arts training!

Bibliography (Click the link)

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