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Friday, May 29, 2015


Caveat: Please make note that this article/post is my personal analysis of the subject and the information used was chosen or picked by me. It is not an analysis piece because it lacks complete and comprehensive research, it was not adequately and completely investigated and it is not balanced, i.e., it is my personal view without the views of others including subject experts, etc. Look at this as “Infotainment rather then expert research.” This is an opinion/editorial article/post meant to persuade the reader to think, decide and accept or reject my premise. It is an attempt to cause change or reinforce attitudes, beliefs and values as they apply to martial arts and/or self-defense. It is merely a commentary on the subject in the particular article presented.

This article is mine and mine alone. I the author of this article assure you, the reader, that any of the opinions expressed here are my own and are a result of the way in which my meandering mind interprets a particular situation and/or concept. The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of other martial arts and/or conflict/violence professionals or authors of source materials. It should be quite obvious that the sources I used herein have not approved, endorsed, embraced, friended, liked, tweeted or authorized this article. (Everything I think and write is true, within the limits of my knowledge and understanding. Oh, and just because I wrote it and just because it sounds reasonable and just because it makes sense, does not mean it is true.) 

“The urge to belong is powerful...but it’s not always healthy!” - Michael Clarke Sensei, Shinseidokan Dojo

Humans survive in groups and these groups survive by the humans that belong to that group. This creates a strong pull to belong regardless of which group. We naturally and instinctively seek out groups where we may fit, fit somewhere in the hierarchy of that group. Humans gravitate toward like-minded groups or groups with like disciplines such as martial styles in dojo’s. 

As long as that group, or dojo, have a healthy group dynamic it tends to flourish to the groups mutual benefit. There is a point when a group such as a martial art dojo pass that healthy point into the realm of unhealthy. That point is not always obvious, it can be muted by a gradual morphing of the groups dynamic and that is important to the group and its leadership, the ability to detect, see and react to such points. 

One of the traits of a group that has passed beyond the healthy point is one that vehemently and sometimes violently resists any type of change or even questioning of their beliefs and belief system. Even when presented with irrefutable proof they disbelieve and resist violently. Another “tell” a Sensei must observe and defend against to maintain a healthy group or dojo.

Humans lie, it may be a whopper or it may be what some term as a “White lie.” How that works is also complex but most often those while lies are considered truths and we humans will do what is necessary to promote that belief especially toward ourselves. We adamantly lie to promote the very fact that, “we (or I) don’t lie.” 

Belonging is a very powerful drive in all of us, it results in conflict, violence, violent conflicts and all the lies we tell to children to promote, support and ensure survival of the group and its members. This is a drug especially for those who lead such a group. The loss of that status can drive humans to do things they would insist, normally, as impossible. Healthy? Not Healthy? 

Such things may even be the sounding bells toll of group demise. There very essence of group importance toward survival is the one most familiar we all call, “Family.” Wars have been fought over family issues, both internally and more socially in the larger groups called, “Countries.” No where will you find humans gathering that groups are not dominant and necessary. 

Humans have the drive to collect this way because it is human nature to connect and socially participate in groups, can you say neighbors and neighborhoods. Start to see now how dojo’s connect to honbu dojo that gave birth to dojo groups often referred to as “Associations” and so on? 

When a style of martial art divides into separate tribal like factions it is not due to that style itself but rather a divide with one or more of its members.  When there is discord that cannot be resolved then those who are in discord tend to gravitate apart forming new groups (this can be attributed toward the creation of styles itself) leading to changes indicative of that persons beliefs thus creating a whole new belief system that supports that new group or tribe or dojo or association. This occurs due to human nature and has nothing to do with the true essence of combative disciplines, the system that supports them and transcends such human needs. 

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