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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Chikurin Ryu [竹林流]


The characters/ideograms mean, “Bamboo forest style.” The first character means, “Bamboo,” the second character means, “forest; grove,” the third character means, “current; a sink; flow; forfeit.” The first two characters/ideograms mean, “Bamboo thicket.” The last character means, “A style of; method of; manner of; school (of thought).”

Based on the Isshinryu system of Okinawan karate-do this system was developed with small changes necessary for modern times. It remains faithful to the origins of karate from the early nineteen hundreds with additional emphasis on a return to a more combative traditional means of application with additional emphasis on the modern legal requirements/laws of self-defense. It embraces all the requirements that make up the full spectrum of self-defense through martial arts or disciplines with a foundation in the fundamental principles of all martial systems, i.e. “Theory, Physiokinetics, Technique and Philosophies.”

It bases its birth on the need of change in an ever changing world while remaining true to the original system as to theory while moving forward to embrace all that will be required to advance self-defense in a litigious society flawed by nature’s instincts and drive to the more emotional view of the world. 

It still holds to the need for principles, kihon, kata and a variety of forms bundled under the traditional heading of kumite, i.e. kumite as to reality based adrenaline driven scenario’s, etc. to bring about a wholehearted training regimen that leads to a practice form best suited for today’s self-defense world and finally to an application that falls within the guidelines of self-defense law meaning, “to embrace the before, during and after of violent defenses that remain within societies present moment model (avoidance before conflict, etc.).” 

A system of karate geared toward self-defense taking into consideration all of modern societies rules, requirements and laws in regard to self-defense law, force law, etc.

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