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Friday, June 27, 2014

Blueprints -n- Carbon Copies

Blueprints are usually of something that is going to be built. Once a blueprint as reached its final copy then copies are made to ensure that the blueprints are standardized across all construction. Once construction begins there are always going to be modifications or versions. In this case they may come from differences in construction sites due to various environmental and cultural needs, wants and desires. This is pretty normal so modifications are made to the blueprints so they are carried forward in each construction. 

If we refuse to allow for modifications and versions then we are stuck with one exact construction that may or may not meet the needs of the various sites, etc. This means the something represented in the blue prints may fall short of the needs of those wanting that something. As times change various aspects of the blueprints will require changing so that the original something can be passed down through the ages. 

If we just make and require the same exact blueprint and carbon copies with no changes allowed that piece of something will end up in the trash bin in favor of a more advanced something that allows for changes.

The key to remember here is that the original blue prints remain intact as a reference and all those versions or modifications or changes that are added to the original make the original a unique something that will be desired and demanded as time progresses. Using the original blue print is great when taking on another construction of something and that is how we learn to see, hear and feel the needs and wants of the moment so that modifications or changes can be appended to that same blueprint. This may cause some previous modifications to be discarded and some new ones to be added. 

Regardless, the entire project will retain all the originals, modifications and carbon copies (that are discarded whenever a new blueprint with mods is printed) so that the uniqueness is not lost over time and due to stagnation, etc. 

This is Isshinryu, this is martial arts and this is the way of myriad things of nature. Nothing remains the same but often the original remains in the essence of the new thing. To remain connected to the carbon copies and to never allow for changes and modifications is not conducive to growth, newness and relevance to the current times, cultures and moments of life. 

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