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Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Challenging the Status Quo

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Yeah, that would be what I feel I am doing for myself and if that causes others to do the same through my articles, posts and comments than all the better especially if that happens in a forward progressive way. 

We, as a species, are very comfortable with status quo as it provides security in a psychological way that says comfort while providing fodder for our beleif systems all tied to the survival instinct as well as the one the drives our procreation. Now doesn’t that sound grand?

Regardless, if we get too comfortable and rely to heavily on that comfortable patterned way then we open ourselves to being vulnerable and susceptible to grave harm and death. Remember, there are gradients to that last of harm and death, we are subjected to all sorts of levels that cause us harm and harm comes from both the physical as well as psychological. 

The only way to learn, to grow, to progress and to create is to open the mind and way to things that will make you uncomfortable. The only way to learn, to grow, to progress and to create is to exchange, communicate and group-analyze all sorts of data and experiences because, wait for it, that is the only way our species evolves and that evolutionary process is the only way our species survives. 

Now, I hear the mind churning out there reading this and want to express this, “If you think this more aggressive view is not also exactly what happens in every day life and every day stimuli, etc., then you need to step back and open the mind.” When our species ventures out of the bubble that surrounds each of us to allow others to encounter us then friction gets involved and with friction comes the obstacles that often lead to the very things we assume are now “safe.” 

In particular, in the martial arts communities with emphasis on Okinawan Karate (I started out with Oki-Isshinryu in 79 after a decade dabbling), I tend to challenge things if I perceive something out of kilter. Not to disparage or refute the practices and beliefs of any sources that I question but to create a communications channel between all parties to fact check, analyze, discuss, practice and test, apply in as realistic way according to the intent of said practice then synthesize it into something appropriate for the times, cultures and environment in which it is utilized. 

I don’t advocate changing the core or essence or cornerstone of your beginnings, i.e., style or system since you chose it to fit your needs, desires and personalities. But, as I wrote about in another venue, you can create a more appropriate model using your original as the foundation. If you don’t then you remain stagnant in something that was appropriate at one time but may not be for you now. 

It is about learning those things that are easily passed on so that we evolve, evolve as a species and as martial artists and as karate-ka.

Try it, you’ll like it and remember that if anyone, especially Sensei, balks at your questioning the status quo, it is likely that he is actually fearful and assumes you are challenging him or her rather than the system. We all as practitioners tend to dedicate a lot of effort both psychologically and physically in what we do to sometimes the point that any change seems like being challenged as to self rather than the model involved. 

I believe wholeheartedly in Isshinryu! I practiced the way Sensei taught me as his Sensei taught him and almost fell into that dogmatic adherence to the way resisting any challenge or change until one day, I experienced an “Oh Shit Moment.” Since that day, I challenge the status quo, I question things and I challenge concepts and applications and philosophies - It Ain’t about YOU - so that I may understand, progress, grow and apply my understanding in all that I do - The point here is that we as a species and as a society have one inalienable right, to make decisions and to change. 

“Make it So!”

Bibliography (Click the link)

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