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Monday, October 10, 2016

The Deep Mind

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

The deep mind that is older than language. Language is an overlay, so that it usually obscures or overlays all the ancient language in the human mind.

We trigger from sensory stimuli ancient deep mind activity that triggers language of the human mind to something simpler and understandable to our modern mind for understanding beyond nature's instinctual survival needs. Look at the overlay of language as a means of communications that enhances the survival of our species. Humans tend toward simplicity because it is this activity of the mind, as presented best by Colonel Boyd’s OODA loop, that uses terse triggers to get actions moving faster, faster than an adversary. If I had to use an analogy it is our human logical brain exchanging information with our lizard brain yet the lizard still receives data from that deep mind that spans back into the animal age of the cave dwelling neanderthals. 

Modern language is by far our greatest evolutionary process that allowed humans to adjust for progressively more modern ways of life. For instance, without the evolution of the brain toward a higher level of language our species would never have achieved the industrial to Internet revolutions that drive our lives today. 

As evolution began to layer, our ancient deep mind slowly ebbed and became part of the background noise, the air we breathe, gravity; it is just there and we have to learn to listen. 

The deep mind shapes us without our conscious understanding of how we are being shaped. This ignorance and growing disconnect is wreaking havoc on our modern way of life threatening to send our species spiraling back to our base beginnings. 

It is that deep mind, where a type of ancient language not of mere words resides, where our minds analyze and synthesize great arts and things that seem to come from mysterious sources.

It is our goal in karate and martial arts disciplines to reconnect our three brains, i.e., the human, the monkey and the lizard, to that deeper mind and that older language that is not a language as we understand and that is not the mind we perceive as our human mind. We want to go deeper than instincts, deeper than the lizard and we want to train and condition the three to communicate with our deep mind so as to speed up the loop even faster than the blink of an eye. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

“In order for any life to matter, we all have to matter.” - Marcus Luttrell, Navy Seal (ret)

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