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Friday, July 15, 2016

Possibilities in the Dojo

Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

As sensei we encounter many different people all seeking something, often that something being self-fense through the building up of confidence, experience and a certain philosophical belief system toward their own betterment, improvement and abilities. Education of this type does not come from study alone, academics, but through hands-on physical experiences that occur only when people act in tandem with the mind and its studies so that things get absorbed into the very core of who and what we all are.

Only when people come together into social like groups do we achieve such things. Only through a type of forging by fire do humans connect at such a level of mind and body that we achieve great things in all things. It reminds me of those times when our society learned how to do these things from the influences of our parents, elders and clan or tribe connections and their experiences as passed down through the generations comes from experiences where the most important and critical knowledge and understanding are about … “Military Service.” 

It has been and always will be about human survival that requires the tribe, the clan the social entity in context must learn what it takes for the groups survival in a world where conflict and violence are normal, nature and a part of the entire universe in which we live, exist and survive. 

Our current modern difficulties is born from a loss of that connection and fear has created a type of social conditioning that has suppressed the very core traits necessary to meet the needs of a human society, group, clan or tribe. It has jammed a wedge between the reality of existence and survival that is taking us toward the spiraling pull of a social black hole where at some point the ability to resist its strong pull toward oblivion that the tribe then ceases to have the ability to survive and thus expires into the void, it dies leaving a hole that will be filled by those fittest to survive in a universe of conflict and violence. 

The dojo, being a hall of learning toward proper coping skills, both mental and physical, to handle all types of conflict and violence, to achieve a cohesive brotherhood of connectivity that, historically, came from the fire of military training, service and in some cases combat that created a mind-set, mind-state and social philosophy that actually instilled a social brotherhood that spans the overall society in general and permeated every facet of its existence down into its groups, clans, tribes, and families where adversity simply means we come together with a core experience of knowledge and understanding that allows us to achieve a dynamic that exudes power and authority keeping the wolves at bay so the tribe, group, clan and family can survive, flourish and live well from generation to generation. 

It is in the dojo where sensei can re-instill that kind of spirit much like the actual spirit of the mind and body and dojo members into a single wholehearted connected tribe that can handle such adversities that threaten the very existence of its members as individuals as well as the proverbial dojo family, tribe or clan. 

The dojo dynamics holds the possibilities to achieve a return to such a state of humanity that would cause such modern disfunction’s to no longer exists much like a return to a national military draft would bring back in a few generations that brotherhood that permeates our very genes and thus extends that philosophy into our culture, our beliefs and our very being. 

Using such aspects as mind-body-spirit as developed through thought and actions of things like the yin-yang dynamics in the practice of martial arts of sensei-deshi, senpai-kohai and tori-uke, etc. Through the shin-gi-tai and the shu-ha-ri and other philosophical aspects the create the type of foundation that I am trying to convey. 

I remember that my family with my father, my grandparents and our ancestors all had that one trait that came from what can only be termed as a culture and philosophy built by the fire and blood of military service, the only way to achieve the brotherhood and connectivity that brought us all together when our very existence was threatened, our very survival. I feel that we have brought ourselves to that state in our modern society simply because we have suppressed those vey survival instincts out of ignorance and fear. We have become, as history proves by those who came before but have disappeared from existence, our worst enemy while the hordes of the barbarians stand at the gates pounding against its weakening structure simply because we fail to maintain our readiness to combat and survive the threats of our society, our tribes and our families. 

Bring back the military draft, draft all who reach the mature age of 18 years; draft both genders and allow them to server in all capacities; and in a generation of three or four that spirit will return or it will not and our way of life will go the way of the Roman Empire, into the dust never to be seen or exist again. 

Sensei shall go forth into the dojo with a new purpose, to re-instill our nature and our abilities to handle and cope with all forms of conflict and violence, the very core and nature of existence, by the way, the way of the warrior through martial arts. We do have a responsibility but it goes way beyond mere competitive tournaments for trophies and accolades of our peers, it goes to the very core of our survival against those who bang at our doors just waiting for the chance to enter and destroy our way of life in the name of their way of life. 

Then again, what the fuck do I know …

Bibliography (Click the link)

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