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Tuesday, January 5, 2016


Blog Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Itself resolves the tension between contrasts.   

Its positive and negative aspects, however, are integrated; they can be separated conceptually, but not empirically. 

Just as the universe needs " yin and yang," that is, attractive and repulsive forces, in order to have any form at all, so society too, needs some quantitative ratio of harmony and disharmony, of association and competition, of favorable and unfavorable tendencies. 

Societies only exist when peace and conflict exist - yin-yang.  

Comments: In our modern world we strive hard to push conflict and violence, the kind that makes us uncomfortable, out of our lives and especially out of our minds. This is a mistake because like all things of this Universe there are dualities that must be maintained to exist. In truth if a society is successful in discarding conflict and violence from its culture and beliefs that society will cease to exist. 

Our lives depend on such duality and that includes conflict and violence. Therefore it seems we must once again set the goal of “Balance.” To achieve our goals in life we must embrace conflict and violence as a part of who we are and then find a balance that allows us to evolve and become balanced in all things. 

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