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Friday, March 20, 2015

What if it isn’t real?

What if our lives are actually a matrix like existence? What if there is not reincarnation but a repeat of life similar to the depiction of repeating the same day seen in Groundhogs Day? What if everything everywhere is merely an illusion, a really realistic illusion that repeats itself every single time?

What if my life has been lived exactly the same, the same years, the same century, the same people in that life until that event arrives that ends the dream triggering a re-boot back to the day I was conceived to repeat, repeat, repeat with absolutely no memory, memory wiped at each death event, what so ever with only one glitch, there is an ability to make changes at each run through. 

What if life were a matrix crap shoot where each of us believes we have ancestors and the world is evolving and our history through the ages is merely background to this life, this repetitive live, this existence that rarely and barely changes each iteration until some event that ends existence, say a disk wipe of our program taking it out of its loop, its existence?

What if we suffer the same swords and arrows of emotional conflict and violence over and over and over again thinking it is the first time when in reality we have looped through this life or existence since time began. Maybe we are living ground hogs day over and over without the realization of that loop not realizing that we have done this same exact life span (our version of the same day, ground hogs day) over and over and over again.

What if this were true then what is the purpose of that repetitive life span? If we truly are unable to learn and change due to the mind-wipe at every death event then why do we keep repeating the life-span over and over again? Is this some cruel joke played by some entity that watches us through the viewer of our existence much like the programs of the matrix? 

If this is not truly real then what would happen and what would change if we suddenly came to this realization and did something really outside the program making a new and drastic change to the life span program? Or, what if this article and that drastic change I am contemplating is just the same old repetitive life span program that I have lived over and over and over and over again? 

Could this innate process speak to our tendency to reach for the comfort of symbolism, a certain flow and rhythm and the repetitive urges used in things that bring about a certain comfort similar to our tendency to follow the patterns, rhythms and cadences of kata, the comfort zones we build in our minds and thus follow in our lives? 

Is this another way to understand the rigidness of life that results in our repeating things over and over again never truly learning from our mistakes but only to repeat them over and over again while fooling ourselves into believing that process is actually leading us toward enlightenment? 

Is this why karate is failing in the self-defense arena’s as well as the competitive sport oriented disciplines because it tends to keep looping back to those easily practiced forms without chaos, deviations or other out of the box type efforts? 

What if it isn’t real? 

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