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Warning, Caveat and Note: The postings on this blog are my interpretation of readings, studies and experiences therefore errors and omissions are mine and mine alone. The content surrounding the extracts of books, see bibliography on this blog site, are also mine and mine alone therefore errors and omissions are also mine and mine alone and therefore why I highly recommended one read, study, research and fact find the material for clarity. My effort here is self-clarity toward a fuller understanding of the subject matter. See the bibliography for information on the books.

Note: I will endevor to provide a bibliography and italicize any direct quotes from the materials I use for this blog. If there are mistakes, errors, and/or omissions, I take full responsibility for them as they are mine and mine alone. If you find any mistakes, errors, and/or omissions please comment and let me know along with the correct information and/or sources.

“All I say is by way of discourse, and nothing by way of advice. I should not speak so boldly if it were my due to be believed.” - Montaigne

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Just Goes to Show

You can turn anything into the thing you want it to be. Look how easy it was to take a small part of a post and turn it toward my favorite subjects, i.e. martial arts and self-defense. Just goes to show that almost anything can be shifted and molded and adjusted to fit someones personal perceptions and beliefs. Isn’t that the dangerous parts alluded to in the original post?

Look to the gokui as an example. There are few actual in-depth interpretations of what the short and terse koan means but when you do find them they are different as night vs. day. Take for instance what I created in the eBook PDF I feely gave out long ago vs. the book titled, “The Last Lesson (The Go-kui of Isshin-ryu) by James C. Burris, jr.” There is one that is day and one that is night and neither actually relates to the other in content and/or meaning.

It helps us explain the many factions of the system as well. Each has their own perceptions and interpretations of what was taught to the early pioneers and each adamantly and completely believes what they practice, teach and preach is the true Isshinryu system. So much so that none in the factions can achieve détente when dealing with the other factions. 

It also just “goes to show” that even when referencing the same sources each comes to differing conclusions and then wholehearted believes what they interpret is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Just goes to show nothing is without question without questioning. 

Note: still editing this eBook but hope to be done soon :-)

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