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Friday, August 22, 2014

The Monkey

I am reading for the second time the chapter on the three brains, i.e. the human brain, the monkey brain and the lizard brain, in the book, In The Name of Self-Defense by Marc MacYoung. I thought I read it well enough the first time around but now that I am on the second go-round I keep feeling strange like, “wait a minute, I don’t remember reading this stuff.” I think my monkey brain is setting me up because it sure as heck doesn’t want me to know this stuff and to lock the door on his cage - Ohhhh No and I say, Ohhhh Yea!

As I read it again my mind sometimes takes a detour to things and events in my past that now seem different and totally and completely my fault. Those incidents that were of the conflict nature could and should have been avoided if only I had a conscious understanding of what it was that was taking me down that particular nasty road - my monkey brain. 

This really sucks BUT …. a big BUT ….. better late than never, yipee. We’ll see just how well I gain control over that stinking little crappy nasty mean monkey. He has run rampant in my life for damn near sixty years so I know it isn’t going to be easy but I are determined.

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