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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Multi-Dimensional Interconnectedness

The yin-yang symbol often leads the practitioner to view its symbolism toward a more one dimensional understanding. In that the one whole symbol is composed of two entities that are opposites. Those opposites complement while remaining mostly separate yet blending because of the opposite seeds contained within each side, i.e. the seed for yin within the yang that blossoms as it moves through time and space into the one whole that will become its complementary opposite, yang. 

This morphing continues consistently and constantly through out the Universe, nature. I suggest that there is a greater dimension to this concept. It is that within the seeds is another dimension of yin-yang or yang-yin - as appropriate. This is the entrance to the next level or dimension of the singularity of one that is the birth of the two, yin-yang. 

This continues within each dimension extending out or in to infinity or the void that gave birth to the duality that led to the four (Trigrams) and then the eight until you get the full 64 hexagrams. If this holds true then I believe we can accept the multi-dimensional nature of the Universe with possibly sixty-four separate and distinct levels or dimensions. 

Take this back to the study, training and practice/application of martial system we come to understand, a bit more, the multi-dimensional interconnectedness of the discipline where any one level or dimension that is neglected means an imbalance of the whole leaving out the possibility of a one wholehearted holistic completeness of the model that is martial arts. 

Click the image to see a larger view. 

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